Dock Street
1817 Dock St. Tacoma, WA. 98402
Latitude: 47.245903 Longitude: -122.432607
Location and Description
Located in Downtown Tacoma. TYC is leasing 170' of "F" dock, 110' of the outside spaces F13 & F14, 60' of the inside space F12. TYC Outstation signs are posted on pilings. We are allowed to have 5' of over hang on each end giving us a total of 180'. Rafting of one extra boat is allowed. Restrooms & showers at top of dock ramp. Please refer to your yearbook for the code to the ramp door and restrooms. 30 & 50 amp power, water to rinse boats on docks. Marina operator takes care of boat sign in.
Close to museum's and restaurant's. Link light rail station located on Pacific Ave, walk up stairs at the Museum of Glass and head over sky bridge to reach downtown shops and restaurants. Marina provides Sunday morning paper to all guests.
Dock St. Office 253-250-1906
Delin Docks 253-572-2524
Members are required to follow TYC's Outstation Rules